Farida Mutiara Putri, Muhammad Nur Pramuji, Suripto Suripto


The implementation of the upper structure of the Pondok Cina Station flats project is one of the least High Rise Building in Depok City. The implementation of the work on this project using full-system Formwork in the form of Aluminium Formworks. The work on the structure consists of the reinforcement, formwork, and casting on the work of column structures, beams, and floor plates. In the process of execution of the work required a good implementation method on each structure element in order not to happen structure failure and the building can be used in accordance with its function. The purpose of writing this final project is to find out the method of implementing the work, analyzing the strength of the aluminium formwork, and analyzing the needs of tools, materials, and labor on the job of reinforcement, formwork, and casting in the Pondok China Station flats project. Data collection techniques using observation, interview, and documentation. From the results of the data processing that has been done, it can be drawn a conclusion that the implementation method of work that has been executed in order and has fulfilled the specifications and time specified. The result of analysis of the overall strength of aluminium formwork can sustain the burden of working, as well as the analysis of the needs of tools, materials, and labor in the work of the reinforcement, formworks, and casting.
Keywords: Reinforcement; Formwork; Casting.

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