Abdul Kohar, Putut Radityo Kuswidyanarko, Denny Yatmadi


The Jatikramat River is a river that flows from the upstream in Jatiranggon and has a downstream in the Cilincing area and the Cakung River is a river that flows from the upper Cibubur and downstream in the Cilincing area. The problem that occurs is frequent flooding in the area that this river passes. The data obtained came from secondary data and primary data. The data processing method uses manual calculations according to the Normal Log Distribution method for Cakung River rainfall and the Normal Distribution method for the Jatikramat River rainfall, the rational method for calculating river flow discharge, and the manning formula to determine river flow discharge. From the calculation results, the dimensions of the flow of the Jatikramat River for the JKA 2 + 861 section are obtained to be able to accommodate the planned discharge with a 100 year return period of 1,819 m and the height of the Cakung River flow dimensions for the CKA 2 + 50 cross section so that it can accommodate the planned discharge with a 100 year return period amounting to 3,822 m.
Keywords : Method; River; Section.

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