Rancang Bangun Perubahan Controller Water Pump dari Local Switch ke Distributed Control System (DCS)

Billy Austin Fernando, Sila Wardono, Hendro Susyanto


Water pump is a tool that functions to distribute cooling water to each equipment so that the temperature is maintained and there is no over-heating so that it can operate properly. This cooling water is a very important component because if the supply stops, the entire production process will stop. However, the current water pump control system only uses a local switch so that the control and monitoring of the water pump operation can only be done from the local panel. In fact, there was a fire in the Motor Control Center (MCC) water pump which caused damage to 20 MCC units, 1 unit source 45kVA field power transformer and the production process stopped for 90.5 hours, even though this can be prevented and overcome if the condition is immediately known by the Central Control Room (CCR) panel man. Therefore, the authors consider it necessary to change the control system from the local switch to the Distributed Control System (DCS) so that the operation of the water pump can be real-time monitored and controlled directly by the CCR panel man, so when an electrical failure occurs, it can immediately identified and carried out handling action.


Water Pump;Local Switch;DCS;CCR.

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