Studi Kasus Kegagalan Normal Antiskid Valve Pada Pesawat Boeing 737-800

Achmad Feisal, P Jannus


Antiskid system functions to ensure that aircraft tires do not slip or skid when braking. Based on data from the Boeing 737-800 pilot report, there were 22 failures in the antiskid system in the period January 1, 2018 to July 20, 2021. Problems that occurred were Antiskid Valve Fail, Intermittent Fault, Antiskid Transducer Fail and Wiring Problem. With the fishbone method, it can be analyzed that the normal antiskid valve fails to deliver a signal which causes the Antiskid INOP Light indicator to light up in the cockpit. By using FIM, maintenance action is carried out, namely measuring the antiskid valve connector. measurement results show resistance out of limit ( 180 – 200Ω )


Pesawat; Antiskid Inop Light Illuminate; Antiskid System; Antiskid Valve; Maintenance Action

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