Catalog Book Design Using The Concept of Traditional Nuance

Hanifa Gita Ayuna, Andriyanto Andriyanto


One of the industries that can be used as a business opportunity is a business in the culinary field, because each individual needs food and drinks which are his daily consumption needs. One of the caterers in Indonesia and domiciled in Depok, namely Dapoer Wenak, serves various kinds of food and beverage orders, especially home-cooked dishes typical of the archipelago. However, Dapoer Wenak has a problem that occurs because the owner does not have a menu list that includes information on prices, menu names, minimum orders, or contact persons. In addition, it does not show its brand image as a caterer with a focus on home-cooked dishes typical of the archipelago in the form of a traditional nuance concept. This design uses a type of qualitative research method with descriptive information results, and the design research method used is design thinking consisting of 5 (five)  stages, namely Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test. Then, for data collection is done by means of literature study, observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The result of this design is a catalog book in accordance with the Dapoer Wenak brand image combined with visual elements such as fonts, layouts, and colors. In addition, the use of ornaments is the most important part because of the shape of the concept of traditional nuances. It is hoped that Dapoer Wenak can make a variety of packaged menus that can invite public interest in Dapoer Wenak

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